graphic thoughts

Sequel to P.L.A.I.N. Janes!

Sequel to P.L.A.I.N. Janes!

I missed this announcement, but I’m so happy about it! The brilliant Minx title, P.L.A.I.N. Janes will have a sequel published next year by the same team, titled Janes in Love. Many of the other ‘08 titles sound wonderful, too, especially Poseur but mostly that’s because Rick Mays, one of my super-fave but little-seen artists […]

Inverloch Ends

Inverloch Ends

Inverloch by Sarah Ellerton I’ve been reading this for months.  It is that rarest of rare beasts: a regularly-updated webcomic book (rather than comic strip).  It’s a fantasy and a well-done one, too.  It is also something of a quest fantasy, a subgenre I usually dislike, but this is so well-done, I’ve been completely into […]