graphic thoughts

An Interview with Drew Geraci

by Jennifer A. Ford Welcome to the very first Birdwatching exclusive interview. Drew Geraci, Birds of Prey‘s ultra-talented inker, graciously answered my barrages of questions, and his responses are fun and interesting and give a great insider’s view of the comic biz. Drew Geraci (pronounced Jer -ay’ -see) was born in 1966 in Monroeville, Pennsylvania […]

One-Shots 1996

Black Canary/Oracle: Birds of Prey #1 “One Man’s Hell”, 1996, written by Chuck Dixon, pencilled by Gary Frank, inked by John Dell, colored by Sherilyn Van Valkenburgh, lettered by Albert T. de Guzman, edited by Jordan B. Gorfinkel, cover by Gary Frank & John Dell Talk about starting with a bang! Wonderfully sets up the […]